
Biomass Briquettes and Organic Moringa

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钦奈 (印) - 基加利 (卢旺达)钦奈 (印) - 千叶 (日本的)
钦奈 (印) - 卢森堡 (卢森堡)钦奈 (印) - 布琼布拉 (布隆迪)
钦奈 (印) - 乌兰巴托 (蒙古)钦奈 (印) - 塔林 (爱沙尼亚)
钦奈 (印) - 塔那那利佛 (马达加斯加)钦奈 (印) - 布达佩斯 (匈牙利)
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钦奈 (印) - 安德莱赫特 (比利时)钦奈 (印) - 科托努 (贝宁)
钦奈 (印) - 阿尔梅勒 (荷兰)钦奈 (印) - 哥德堡 (瑞典)
钦奈 (印) - 维多利亚 (塞舌尔)钦奈 (印) - 平壤 (北朝鲜)
钦奈 (印) - 亚的斯亚贝巴 (埃塞俄比亚)钦奈 (印) - 里加 (拉脱维亚)
钦奈 (印) - 开普敦 (南部非洲)钦奈 (印) - 马拉博 (赤道几内亚)
钦奈 (印) - 瓦莱塔 (马耳他)钦奈 (印) - 坎帕拉 (乌干达)
钦奈 (印) - 路易港 (毛里求斯)钦奈 (印) - 赫尔辛基 (芬兰)
钦奈 (印) - 考纳斯 (立陶宛)钦奈 (印) - 洛美 (多哥)
钦奈 (印) - 帝力 (东帝汶)钦奈 (印) - 基苏木 (肯尼亚)
钦奈 (印) - 莫罗尼 (科摩罗)钦奈 (印) - 洛班巴 (斯威士兰)
钦奈 (印) - 万博 (安哥拉)钦奈 (印) - 阿比让 (象牙海岸)
钦奈 (印) - 尼亚美 (尼日尔)钦奈 (印) - 比得哥什 (波兰)
钦奈 (印) - 马塞卢 (莱索托)钦奈 (印) - 班珠尔 (冈比亚)
钦奈 (印) - 吉布提 (吉布提)

Vedikka Enterprises is an Integrated Organic Farming and Trading Company located at Chennai, Tamilnadu – India, deals various commodities in Agriculture and Manufacturing sector. We manufacture Biomass Briquettes and Organic Moringa Leaf powder in our factory located at Cheyyur - Tamilnadu. Also we are specialized in the field of agro commodity trading in India and other foreign countries. The company has been trading & merchandising various agro products in all the principal world markets and to the end users in major consumption markets. Our primary mandate is to ensure and exceed customer satisfaction, the foundation of which is based on delivering the products on time with unmatched quality. Capitalizing on India's vast geographical spread and range of reasons, Vedikka Enterprises has successfully provided superior quality range of products, to its buyers all over the world. We work hard to maintain the stringent quality controls for our product sources and that is why our products have unmatched quality and are admired across globally. All our product sources are certified for various quality certifications as follows. ISO 22000,

About the company

Vedikka Enterprises

Activity: Export & Import

Vedikka Enterprises

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